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Do you own a business? Sometimes this makes it more complicated when it comes time to getting a mortgage. Since people that are self-employed often don’t have stable incomes, the bank will ask to see an average of your last two years declared earnings. If this is enough to qualify for your mortgage, then everything is in order! If not, we turn to specialized programs that will allow us to secure financing for your property. Insured or conventional, we have several programs we can match you with. Don’t get discouraged if your bank has refused you. Call us and we’ll be glad to tell you how we can help!

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Top Qualities to Look for in a Reliable Montreal Mortgage Broker

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Top Qualities to Look for in a Reliable Montreal Mortgage Broker Hence, it becomes quite important to search for a good and reliable mortgage broke ...

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Client Education: What Montreal Mortgage Agents Need to Communicate Effectively

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Understanding CHIP Mortgages in Montreal

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